Thursday, November 27, 2014


A Buddhist is any person who follows the teachings of Buddha - everyone else is an Abuddhist.  Some people have never even heard of Buddha, others simply don't believe there is evidence for Karma.  Whatever their individual reasons, even if they don't know it, regardless of any other beliefs they may hold, every person who is not a Buddhist is an Abuddhist.

If you extend the concept of Abuddhism to every other god, then you can easily understand Atheism.  An Atheist is a person who has embraced no gods - this may simply be because they have never heard of any god concept and don't even know they are atheists.

Newborns simply do not have the skillset required to embrace a god concept.

Only people who embrace a god concept are theists, everyone else is an atheist.  Newborns simply do not have the skillset required to embrace a god concept.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

No worries

"A miracle can simply be an intervention by God" Mark Sutton

Any such thing would violate the laws of thermodynamics - which in turn would render all physics defunct and there would be no reason for your computer to work. But your computer does work which is a clear indication that we understand physics and there could be no sign or possibility of miracles while science is effective.

Not to worry though, gods are excluded by simple logic. There is no god concept that is rational. They are all predicated on logical fallacies and such things can exist only in your imagination.

Religions are . . .

Religions are simply stories from books molded into traditions designed to feed the ego of the participants, but otherwise useless hearsay without any reflection of reality in any directly interesting way.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

crowd of aptheists

When I was very young, I used to love to hangout with older folks, especially adults because you really could learn so much from them. I have a distinct memory of being about 8 years old when I was invited to Bible school and the teacher there explained the "Jesus plan" to me (a.k.a. Christianity). I walked away from that exchange thinking I had found the stupidest adult alive. Imagine my surprise when over the years I started to discover some adults actually believe this complete bullshit!!
Religion looks to me like a disease of the ego whereby the victim seeks to make themselves and their friends the center of the universe and cast anything they don't understand as "evil". For some people religion is simply about ignorance and brainwashing, but for a very few it is a strikingly real thing that drives their reality and those few should be under professional supervision and care - not lost in a crowd of aptheists like they are today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

biological common ancestry

Evolution means biological common ancestry as demonstrated by 4th grade math.  Did you know that you are an intersection of your parents genes?  That is simple 4th grade math, evolution, and these facts are the best evidence known in courts of law around the world - rendering your opinion on the matter defunct.