Saturday, November 30, 2013

Your son was not born depraved.

" teaching my son to love others as he loves himself is the sickest thing in the world you can think of?" 
-Dennis Fisher 

Actually, teaching him that he was born depraved would be sicker than that - you didn't do that did you? Your son was not born depraved.

The problem with the "love" you are "teaching" is it is not real love - its weaponized love used to do things like destroy science and drive genocides.

Bible school bullshit

" From what you've said in other posts, I'M guessing that you probably grew up in a strict fundamentalist house and that all of this nonsense is your anger directed at all Christians." 
-Dennis Fisher 

 LMAO - no, when I was about 8 and someone invited me to Bible school, I thought I found the dumbest adult in the entire world, turns out the bullshit she was telling me is exactly spot on and actually in the Bible - no rational adult has any excuse to embrace the insanity in the bible.

Even if we ignore the direct torture and murder caused by the Bible daily, the Christian crusade against science is an appalling indictment that renders it in need of dismantling.

Christianity is the worst blight the human race has ever endured.
" And I and the Bible agree murder is never good news," 
-Barry Wannell 

This is called brainwashing. Brainwashing allows you to ignore the murder glorified in the Bible and ignore that fact that every time you use the word gospel - you yourself are glorifying murder.

Friday, November 29, 2013

murder is not good news.

"the only people brainwashed ae you people " -Barry Wannell

do you know the word gospel means good news?  In Christianity the term is used only for stories about the murder of Jesus.  News flash - murder is not good news.  You have been brainwashed into glorifying human sacrifice.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

we don't understand it

"And there is the thing about Heaven, we don't understand it because it's not part of the physical world. " 
-Simone Anderson 

 actually its just a delusion. You might as well say we don't know why our neighbor thinks he is Napoleon Bonaparte. Yes we do know - he has a mental illness.

Christian motto

If there is such a thing as a Christian motto - one of the top ones would be "Love your neighbor" which is hypocritical in the face of the fact they expect to go to heaven where they will be playful and happy even with certain knowledge that their neighbors are burning in hell. Christianity is immoral.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

5 types

You will find there are only five types of god claims:

1 - The absurd: "Trees are beautiful therefore god".

2 - Equivocation:  "God is love".

3 - Argument from ignorance: "Nobody knows the antecedent of the universe, therefore god."

4 - Special pleading: "The universe cannot be infinite therefore god must be infinite".

5 - Appeal to authority "God told me stuff to do".

All of them fail on the basis of their logical errors and thus show that the idea of god is illogical.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

only developed nation

"which is it it's either true or not true" 

-Anthony Wheatley-Scurlock evolution is a fact. The USA is the only developed nation where a person can be suspicious of evolution and still be considered educated.

fuck Columbus

"The person who started evolution theory admitted that there was no physical evidence for his hypothesis on evolution" 
-Anthony Wheatley-Scurlock 

 first of all that is not true and second of all it wouldn't matter because now the evidence is overwhelming. You might as well say that Columbus admitted the world wasn't a globe. Well fuck Columbus if he was stupid enough to say that.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

admirable, but messed up priorities

"I'm more interested in honest discussion along the lines of why we believe what we believe rather than putting anyone down for what they believe." 
-Christine Barrett Mitchell 

 admirable, but when it is fundamentally impossible for a person to have a good reason to believe what they believe - like a belief in Santa, or a flat Earth, then its hard to separate these things.

and so this is where we find religion - without evidence, rationality or any good sense and used as a foundation to bash peoples brains in - literally every day. So maybe your priorities are a little messed up?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

no different than taking a hit of crack

" If someone has nothing to offer material wise but just wants to say a little prayer dont be a fucking asshole" -Heather Maule

Prayer is only for the person praying so they can feel better about not doing anything.  I think it's appropriate then to berate morons who pray rather than contribute.  Praying is no different than taking a hit of crack cocaine to escape reality.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

it is always wrong

Amber Michelle Wiley join me in this pledge: it is always wrong to torture babies. why is this so difficult for you? If you were a decent person you would agree to this without hesitation.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

There is no escape from this pain.

I am sorry to see you demonstrate that your entire life has been devoid of love, so permit me to educate you on the subject - when someone you love hurts, it hurts you as well. There is no escape from this pain. To escape such pain is to no longer love. It renders your idea of heaven impossible.

Friday, November 15, 2013

one logical conclusion

We can conclusively say that any claim for god has absolutely no supporting premises, and therefore is logically invalid, leaving only one logical conclusion - There is no god
-Josh Allin 

argument for Poseidon

"So how it came to be is not in question?" 
-Michael Rowles 

 the fact that the universe exists is simply an observation it is not an argument. Using this same logic a typhoon is an argument for Poseidon. To address your question though - the antecedent of the universe is unknown, but for certain it could not have been a logical fallacy which is all you have to offer.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

its just a movie

 is atheism compatible with Santaism?" 
-Ádám Szőllősy

Its like this, Luke Skywalker is God, Darth Vader is Satan, and Atheists know its just a movie.

vital message

"(imagine the irony of us needing to iron out the wrinkles or our own language in order to try to communicate about another.)" William Vincent

imagine the irony of an omnipotent and omniscient god who had a vital message to send and yet could not find a reliable way to send it! In your world view Yahweh is literally too incompetent to lick a stamp and put it in a mailbox.

Christians believe crazy things about innocent children.

There are no "Christian children." There are children raised by Christian parents. Christians believe crazy things about innocent children.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christian children

Christian children are born sinners that deserve eternal hell fire.  Normal children are only responsible for the things they actually do or do not do.

don't let that get in the way

//because responsible people don't just ignore stories about the senseless murder of millions of babies.// Well, you have to get past that. God ordered several genocides in the OT. Don't forget it, but don't let that get in the way of experiencing the love he has for you. He so loved you that he sent his only begotten son to die on a cross for you, to redeem you to himself.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Psalm 137:9

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock! Psalm 137:9

Then I heard the LORD

Then I heard the LORD say..."Follow him through the city and kill everyone...Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children." Ezekiel 9:5

Monday, November 11, 2013

'objective fact' for morals"

"But there is no 'objective fact' for morals" Ken BabyBoomer 

 there is, but its not very impressive. Humans have to be less murderous in a measurable sense when compared to their ability to procreate. If human morality cannot maintain at least a net positive birth rate, then it has utterly failed.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

gods are security blankets

gods are security blankets to give comfort to theists who can't face reality on its full terms.

God claims are logical fallacie

all god claims are logical fallacies, so primarily its about learning logic and embracing critical thinking and then any god delusions you have will vanish.

Friday, November 8, 2013

what possible thing of interest could be left?

well its not too exciting of an argument. Logic precludes gods and thermodynamics precludes souls. Love itself is incompatible with heaven - so what possible thing of interest could be left?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

wake up

"Does it make moral sense to endeavour to help one another minimise it or alleviate it altogether then?"
-Simon Joseph Lau 

 when you live under a delusion as powerful as Christianity, usually when you think you are helping you in fact are actually hurting people. We are simply here to ask you to wake up and let go of ignorant and childish things.

I prefer to be corrected

I really prefer to be corrected when I make a mistake, but I just realized I made a blunder and it was never corrected. I said that "Yahweh murdered every Egyptian baby for no reason at all." I guess the correction wouldn't have been much better - "Excuse me but no, Yahweh only murdered the first born Egyptian babies for no reason".

There is nothing more disgusting

"Funny how this must be wrong because the Bible contradicts itself in some parts" 
-Simon Joseph Lau 

 the bible in the form of Christianity twists the human capacity of love and turns it into a weapon to torture and murder people. There is nothing more disgusting, demented, or immoral than Christianity.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

do you believe in the Big Bang theory

"do you believe in the Big Bang theory??" David Montgomery science is about evidence not beliefs, this is the kind of thing I am talking about. You don't even understand science enough to talk about it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

love your neighbor

"love your neighbor as yourself" 
-Joseph András Löbb 

this is hypocrisy for a Christian to say.