Saturday, December 27, 2014

life guide book

Any "life guide book" written or inspired by someone "smarter" than ancient humans that is less than 80% about germs and disease is quite sadistic and immoral.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Chaos does not produce complex organization

Really - so are you saying that a storm cannot give rise to a snowflake or are you saying that snowflakes are not complex?

Friday, December 19, 2014


Is it a coincidence that math and science only fail when you don't like them?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014


A Buddhist is any person who follows the teachings of Buddha - everyone else is an Abuddhist.  Some people have never even heard of Buddha, others simply don't believe there is evidence for Karma.  Whatever their individual reasons, even if they don't know it, regardless of any other beliefs they may hold, every person who is not a Buddhist is an Abuddhist.

If you extend the concept of Abuddhism to every other god, then you can easily understand Atheism.  An Atheist is a person who has embraced no gods - this may simply be because they have never heard of any god concept and don't even know they are atheists.

Newborns simply do not have the skillset required to embrace a god concept.

Only people who embrace a god concept are theists, everyone else is an atheist.  Newborns simply do not have the skillset required to embrace a god concept.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

No worries

"A miracle can simply be an intervention by God" Mark Sutton

Any such thing would violate the laws of thermodynamics - which in turn would render all physics defunct and there would be no reason for your computer to work. But your computer does work which is a clear indication that we understand physics and there could be no sign or possibility of miracles while science is effective.

Not to worry though, gods are excluded by simple logic. There is no god concept that is rational. They are all predicated on logical fallacies and such things can exist only in your imagination.

Religions are . . .

Religions are simply stories from books molded into traditions designed to feed the ego of the participants, but otherwise useless hearsay without any reflection of reality in any directly interesting way.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

crowd of aptheists

When I was very young, I used to love to hangout with older folks, especially adults because you really could learn so much from them. I have a distinct memory of being about 8 years old when I was invited to Bible school and the teacher there explained the "Jesus plan" to me (a.k.a. Christianity). I walked away from that exchange thinking I had found the stupidest adult alive. Imagine my surprise when over the years I started to discover some adults actually believe this complete bullshit!!
Religion looks to me like a disease of the ego whereby the victim seeks to make themselves and their friends the center of the universe and cast anything they don't understand as "evil". For some people religion is simply about ignorance and brainwashing, but for a very few it is a strikingly real thing that drives their reality and those few should be under professional supervision and care - not lost in a crowd of aptheists like they are today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

biological common ancestry

Evolution means biological common ancestry as demonstrated by 4th grade math.  Did you know that you are an intersection of your parents genes?  That is simple 4th grade math, evolution, and these facts are the best evidence known in courts of law around the world - rendering your opinion on the matter defunct.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

murdering babies will make you happy?

The bible says that murdering babies will make you happy - so why would any decent person care what's in the Bible?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Paternity tests

Paternity tests are rooted in set theory as well - a child must be an intersection of its parents DNA (if evolution is true) within a known margin of genetic drift. Paternity tests - the best scientific evidence in courts of law is set theory and so is all genetics and evolution. Every known case conforms with evolutionary theory.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

They stand opposed

Science is about logically identifying and understanding empirical evidence of physical reality. Religion is about brainwashing people to ignore logic and empirical evidence. They stand opposed to one another on these critical points.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Some basic science

you have to learn basic science. The job of every scientist is to show that established science is wrong, but they have to use the scientific method. The people in "expelled" did not use the scientific method and show complete disregard for it and so they are correctly expelled for ignorance and dishonesty. You might understand this if you realize there is no magic in science and creation is magic.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

There is no such thing as "evil"

There is no such thing as "evil". "Evil" is a word people use for bad things they are too lazy to try to understand

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Science rejects ID

Science rejects ID until it is falsifiable which will require specific detail. ID will never be falsifiable because the intent is specifically to avoid this detail.

heaven and hell is a lie you tell yourself.

do you love your neighbor? Will you love your neighbor when he goes to hell? Will you still enjoy heaven knowing someone you love is burning in hell? If yes - then you do not understand love - if no then you can never go to heaven. Your entire idea of heaven and hell is a lie you tell yourself.


Fingernails are a very complex and specific mutation which only occurs in primates. Every animal with fingernails is a subset of primates. The subset of primates with fingernails and the specific mutation preventing a tail are called apes.  Every animal with fingernails and no tail is an ape.

This is 4th grade math, it is called set theory and if an isolated species of lizard had the same specific complex mutation for fingernails - then the tree of life/evolution would violate set theory, but there is no such example in all of nature.  If an isolated mammal had the specific mutation for feathers, that would violate set theory.  If an isolated bird had the specific mutation for teets, that would violate set theory.  If a fish had the specific mutation for hair, that would violate set theory.

Evolution conforms to set theory in exact detail - we all arise as a subset of genes which pattern indicates a single ancestor in specific detail.  Either then evolution is a fact, or set theory is completely wrong and math itself is a farce.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

its like an M Night Shyamalan movie

Q: When Christians speculate about traveling in time they will often consider to going back to murder Hitler, but they never once consider going back to save Jesus. Why is that?
A: Because the murder if Jesus is "Good News" for Christians in fact Gospel is a term that means it is good new that Jesus is dead. Without a person pushing Jesus into a volcano, Christians cannot get their prize - tickets to heaven. While in heaven though it will be illegal for them to love anyone in hell, so no decent people are allowed in heaven - its like an M Night Shyamalan movie and that's the twist.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Objective Morality

Morality is objectively based on the care required from its parents for complex animals to thrive even though they are born helpless and remain exceptionally vulnerable for an extended period of time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

human sacrifice

Human sacrifice - you know, like in Christianity. Someone pushed Jesus into a volcano so Christians can get a prize. In the Christian vernacular, pushing Jesus into the Volcano is called "good news" or "gospel".

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Yahweh gets to decide who you are allowed to love!

in Christian theology Yahweh gets to decide who you are allowed to love! You are not even allowed to cry for the people in hell- you are required by law to be happy in heaven!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Evil in the world

There is good and there is bad. If you say something is bad, someone can challenge you on it - why do you think it is bad? how can you fix it? how might it be leveraged for good? These things require a lot of thinking. Instead of trying to understand you can just say "evil" and you are done - no thinking required.

Friday, September 5, 2014

how is "common ancestry" is falsifiable?

Please explain how "common ancestry" is falsifiable. 

If it could be shown that some progeny could not be related to its parents through set theory, then common ancestry would be wrong. In the "common designer" argument, for example the arrangement and changes in DNA could be (are allowed to be) mixed up by either random patterns or patterns that violate set theory. This case has never been observed in nature.

However, the "common designer" idea itself could never be falsified because the first step in falsifying any designer is to specify the abilities and limits of the designer which is the exact opposite thing "common designer" proponents are trying to do.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

account for all murders and wars.

"Yes. I'm sure that secular ideologies have killed more people in the 20th century than religious ideologies have. It's not even close." Daniel Halverson 

I think you have to gerrymander the idea of secularism to say that. For example the secular ideology of medicine has saved more lies in the past two centuries to more than account for all murders and wars.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Math, logic, and god concepts.

If someone writes 2+2=5 they have simply failed to understand the rules and language of math - they haven't found an "infinitely complex" math problem.

All logic works the same way - it is just a language used to describe reality. And so when YOU make an illogical claim or hold an irrational position - YOU haven't found an "infinitely complex" logic problem, you have simply failed to be logical or reasonable.

Everything that exists outside of your imagination must submit to logic. Your god concept does not, rendering it an imaginary thing without possibility for any other resolution. Unless you are also willing to just throw away math - your position is untenable.

Sins of the feeble mind

Largely religious people simply don't understand math, science, logic, or even abstract thought. They certainly do not think critically by definition.

And so religious people generally have no appreciable concept of useful information and how to evaluate evidence, which is why engineers are much less religious than average. That is to say anything deemed religious is based on pure hearsay which is completely crap evidence without useful purpose and not suitable for any responsible or educated adult.

In short - all hearsay evidence (religion) is only evidence to a profoundly feeble mind.

Math and Science

If you have an empty bag, you put two apples in the bag, and then you put two pears in the bag - do you have to look in the bag to verify there are 4 pieces of fruit? In science, 2+2=4 is sufficient evidence to establish that there are 4 pieces of fruit in the bag - without even looking. Science uses math to establish the orbits of the planets and evolution of humans in the exact same way.

is abiogenesis falsifiable?

Life exist, whatever the natural process is that caused life to arise, that process is abiogenesis. The proposed processes are falsifiable not life itself. Its much like gravity - gravity exists so it can't be falsified. The mechanisms that cause gravity are the issues up for dispute and falsifiable, just like the mechanisms for abiogenesis.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Emission Theory

Emission Theory gives insight into the world of a creationist`- the universe revolves around them. Souls, gods, eternal life, geocentrism all expose a deep seated narcissism in which the ego simply cannot face the reality of its own insignificance. They are primed to receive the brainwashing of their respective religions and as a result resent knowledge, education and especially science - generally speaking.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Explain this please:

Maybe you can explain why Palestine and Israel are happy to murder each others children, but they agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why China tries to repress Taiwan, doesn't even recognize Taiwan as a country and threatens war with anyone for even suggesting that Taiwan is independent yet, both China and Taiwan agree evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia all fought a bitter genocidal war against each other so recently ago, but agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why South Korea and the Philippines harbor loud and bitter resentment against the Japanese genocides in their countries during WWII, yet they all agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Pakistan and India threaten each other with Nuclear weapons and regularly war with each other along their borders, but they both agree evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Poland harbors a deep resentment for Russia's 40 year occupation, but they both agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Turkey and Greece are in a state of war over Cyprus, but they both agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why the UK and Ireland argue if not bomb each other about oppression and occupation yet are happy to  agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia,  are so hostile towards one another, but they agree - evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria compete aggressively in every field of endeavor, yet collude on this one issue, that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why the USA has a 40 year embargo against Cuba and they both maintain a hostile stance towards one another, but they both agree - evolution is a fact?

 Maybe you can explain why Iran is an isolated international pariah, but it agrees that evolution is a fact?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

This thing

If some "thing" can interact with the universe in any way, then the concept of a universe is flawed because it does not include this "thing". Such a universe is not universal which is contradictory. Thus anything outside a universe cannot also interact with a universe by definition.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

its a figment of your imagination.

"god" is a nonsense word predicated on logical fallacies so whatever you think this god is, its a figment of your imagination.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Heaven is completely unsuitable for loving humans.

To get into heaven you have to agree to only love other people in heaven and you are required to no longer care about the people in hell. Heaven is completely unsuitable for loving humans.

Deep meaning

You will not have any deep meaning in your life until you allow yourself to love the people in your life despite who and what they are and despite the fact that they don't live up to your egotistical and self centered desires.

Peter Porco

see if you can find anything about Peter Porco. His son murder him with an axe in bed. His frontal lobe was smashed and defunct, hanging out of his head. This is responsible for all higher thoughts like , language and awareness or anything we would think of as human in a very real way.

But there are no major blood vessels in the brain so it took him hours to die from bleeding to death. In the meantime his body got out of bed, went downstairs, made coffee, then went and got the news paper.

When the police arrive there is a trail of blood outside and all around the house and they find Peter sitting on the couch with his brains hanging out even though he had been murdered in his bedroom.

oh sorry, he wasn't sitting on the couch.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

natural explanation for everything

The basic assumption of science is there is a natural explanation for everything. If you don't like that idea - then you don't like science.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

without specific insight

The bible as proposed, from some source of knowledge beyond man - without specific insight into germ theory is sadistic by necessity.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Don't say "God"

When you guys say "god" it is necessarily the product of someone's imagination the details of which rarely comport with the similar products of other imaginations. If you would instead say Yahweh - then we could more easily recognize that we are talking about the fictional character in the Bible

love your neighbor

Its "love your neighbor" until they go to hell, then don't worry about them any more, just have fun at the party in heaven!

dem genes

MYH16, PAX9, CCR5, VIT1, VIT2, and VIT3

Thursday, July 31, 2014

if you can measure it

 if you can measure it, then you can subject it to science. If you can't measure it, then what the hell are you talking about?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Two things to consider

two things you should consider deeply. Science rejects creationism as nonsense. Science delivered the computer you are using right now.

Imagination vs reality

"your inability to conceive or imagine an entity not bound by our natural/physical laws, or subject to scientific scrutiny/rationalization is understandable." Tim Otieno You are a little mixed up. I can certainly imagine such a thing, but it is purely irrational. the problem is in your inability to distinguish imagination from reality.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Measuring Gods

You can measure wind by its effects on solids making it real.  The only way to measure gods is by the level of irrational thinking of believers, making them imaginary.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

crappy kind of love

"To say that my actions are just chemical processes would relieve me of my responsibility to do right by others"

Only if you love people based on what YOU want them to be and not based on their established nature. This would be a crappy kind of love.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

the greatest joy

Humans should naturally find the greatest joy and meaning in their love for other humans. Religions co-opt that love and twist it into a perverted mess whereby the victim really loves themselves more than other human beings and tries to disguise the perversion by pretending it is love for an invisible friend. There could be nothing more wrong or contrary to morality.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

barbaric notion

Christianity glorifies the barbaric notion that humans murdering an innocent man earns a gift from an imaginary god.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

If love were a choice

If love were a choice, then the Christian heaven and hell would at least make some type of sense.

Monday, July 21, 2014

that little bit of selfish comfort

Do you know that snakes cannot talk? If you know it then the bible is total crap and shame on you for not throwing it away. It is used as an excuse to torture and murder people every day. I understand the world is a cold, hard place and you want a security blanket to make you feel warm and cozy, but innocent people are dying to give you that little bit of selfish comfort.

Asherah was an equal to Yahweh

The archaeology of Hebrew culture positively demonstrates that before "the exile" Asherah was an equal to Yahweh and after "the exile" she was completely vanquished from Hebrew culture. This major shift in Hebrew culture is not reflected in the Bible in any way, which demonstrates that the Bible has been materially rewritten or was never accurate.  As a result there is no text that depicts Hebrew history and tradition before the exile.

science rejects faith

science rejects faith - faith is excluded from science because faith is very stupid.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Religion is a disease of the mind

 Religion is a disease of the mind to feed the ego and make a person feel better so they can ignore reality - its exactly like crack.

...or was it a goat?

Passover is predicated on the well known story that the Hebrews were required to slaughter a lamb and spread the blood on their door to inform Yahweh that they should not suffer the curse whereby all firstborn will be cruelly put to a senseless death.

If we consider that this is meant as a dramatic fictional story, then it renders the entire Bible moot as the story is the antecedent for every event that transpires later - including the engraving of the 10 commandments and the Cruxifiction. So this must be an accurate story, not a parable, or the Bible itself is moot.

For believers then the mark was either real and meaningless or real and meaningful . If it was real and meaningless, then either Moses or Yahweh presented inaccurate information, misrepresented it as vital once again rendering the Bible moot. If Yahweh or moses could lie or make such a serious and sadistic mistake, there is no reason to believe anything they record.

For believers then the mark must have been real and meaningful. If the mark was meant as a test for the Hebrews, but Yahweh would not slaughter the first born even if they neglected to place the mark or didn't place it properly, then Yahweh is a cruel prankster who cannot be trusted, once again rendering the Bible moot.

For believers then the mark must have been real, meaningful, and carried the consequence of death. If Yahweh required the mark to identify his own followers, then he is blind. If Yahweh would murder his own followers for such an innocent mistake, then he is a sadist.

...or was it a goat? Sorry - too late, your child is dead.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Christianity - the bad religion

"Christianity: the religion that you are so bad, you make God want to kill Jesus."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

the abatement

The Aztecs venerated and murdered innocent human volunteers to appease their gods and get a reward in the abatement of things like earthquakes and droughts.  The willing human sacrifices were even considered to be their god incarnate at the time of the sacrifice.

There is no significant difference between this brutal Aztec culture and that of Christianity.  The only real difference is that the Christian human sacrifice is imaginary and the fictitious reward is the eternal endurance of the Christians ego which simply cannot face its own impending oblivion.

Dear Christian

Dear Christian: you are part of a movement that calls the torture and murder of an innocent human "good news" because it means you get your imaginary prize - exactly like every other human sacrifice culture in history.

Overcome your ego

Religion is fundamentally a failure of a persons mental faculties to overcome their ego.

These genes

Why do you have genes that no longer function like your egg yolk genes (VIT1, VIT2, and VIT3)? Why do you have a gene that if it worked it would kill you (MYH16)? Why do you have a gene that makes sense only if MYH16 worked, because without MYH16 your jaw is not big enough for wisdom teeth (PAX9)?

Friday, July 11, 2014

"god" is a nonsense word.

"god" is a nonsense word.  You can give any detail to the concept without invoking logical fallacies - which is why people try their best to just use it for equivocation.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

perverted, demented, disgusting bible

in your perverted, demented, disgusting bible - Yahweh murders babies for fun and brags about it not just once or twice but as a hobby. "Gospel" is a word meaning good news - reserved for the brutal torture and murder of a sacrificial innocent person required for Christians to get their prize - just like every other human sacrifice cult and you are wondering how Hitler leveraged that book to murder millions?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

3 is a very specific number

3 is a very specific number, it is not a random number. These genes are completely nonfunctional in placental mammals, so if there are 3 or 2 or 5 or 100, it makes no difference to the function of the mammal - at all. So why 3 specifically? Why do all mammals have 3 VIT genes and not a single one more and not a single one less?

Evolution has answers for all of these questions and your friends have no answers - they can only make excuses like - its magic, its a coincidence. This is the same thing as saying it is a coincidence that you have 2 legs and your parents have 2 legs. Is that really a coincidence?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

" Not even for me per se but just cares about earth or our universe. I don't much care who."
-Brooke Sinclair

They would have to be either sadistic or impotent to exist and not warn us about germs and disease.  For example just giving us a formula for soap would have saved billions of people from years of pointless agony, suffering, and sorrow.  Our struggle to obtain this information was long and hard fought against the type ii error now commonly called god.

Friday, July 4, 2014

the cesspool of legal evidence

Scientific evidence is the pinnacle of legal evidence, hearsay evidence is the cesspool of legal evidence. Even the legal system conspires against religion.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests. (Deuteronomy 17:12),
Kill witches. (Exodus 22:17)
Kill homosexuals. (Leviticus 20:13)
Kill fortune tellers.
(Leviticus 20:27)
Death to Followers of Other Religions
(Exodus 22:19)
Kill nonbelievers.
(Chronicles 15:12-13)
Kill false prophets.
(Zechariah 13:3)
Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God
(Deuteronomy 13:13-19)
Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night
(Deuteronomy 22:20-21)
Kill People for Working on the Sabbath
(Exodus 31:12-15)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Understanding logic

If I point to a man a say - "he is short" and then point to a women and say "she is tall", but when you look at them you notice the man is taller than the women, you are fully justified to appeal to logic that short things cannot be taller than tall things. 

Your observation renders my comment irrational (misapplication of words), unless I can add logically consist context that rectifies the situation.  I might say "he is short for men, she is tall for women, and men are normally taller then women". At that point, we have a fully logical explanation.

If however I said the man can be short and yet taller than the women at the same time because he is omnipotent, then we are back to an irrational statement and nothing more.

Logic is simply about the proper application of concepts to reality.  Nothing can escape that application because it is merely a way to communicate abstract ideas and nothing more. By definition then logic has to match reality, because that is the only thing that makes it useful - exactly like math (an even more pedantic language).

A person is irrational if they are either unable to recognize reality and thus cannot describe it properly with concepts or if they do not understand the words they are trying to use to describe reality. Either of these two inabilities do not give rise to the possibility that reality changes magically (into gods) simply because someone cannot communicate.

Monday, June 23, 2014

"god" is a gibberish word

"god" is a gibberish word which is why if you add any detail to it, you have to use logical fallacies. Gibberish cannot exist in the real world - it can only be imaginary.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

our convoluted fine motor system

how do you explain our convoluted fine motor system?
When you wish to move a single finger it's not all that simple. With the exception of mammals and primarily in primates, there is simply no mechanism or possibility to move a single finger or claw. They can only grasp with their entire hand or paw utilizing their Pyramidal motor system which provides no control at all over the individual digits.
In the few animals that are able to move a single digit there is no direct method available. The pyramidal motor system orders your entire hand to grasp and the extra-pyramidal motor system has developed a new ability. In animals previously identified as immediate ancestors to humans - the extra-pyramidal motor system is able to tell individual fingers to ignore the pyramidal motor system and only through this mechanism can any animal control individual fingers.
To be clear - the pyramidal system orders all of your fingers to move, just like it does in every other animal. In animals previously identified as human ancestors, their extra-pyramidal system is able to tell individual fingers to ignore the the pyramidal system and that is why we can move individual fingers.
Can you explain the behavior behind our fine motor skills without evolution?

distribution of egg yolk genes

Can you explain the distribution of egg yolk genes in the animal kingdom? Evolution for example would say fish do not have egg yolk genes because they live in a soup of nutrients. Egg yolk was a later development that provides nourishment unnecessary to animals living in the water.
This would also explain why humans do have broken egg yolk genes that could not function. Our egg yolk genes are vestigial structures that point back to ancestors who did not yet have lactation (milk) nor live in a watery soup.
Additionally, it explains why amphibians only have 1 egg yolk gene. Though amphibians live on land they need to remain near water and thus must have a ready supply of water/ nutrient soup for many reasons and only a single egg yolk gene is sufficient. Additionally, we would expect the first animals with egg yolk genes to have fewer genes.
This would explain why reptiles have 3 egg yolk genes. Once they had a more dependable supply of egg yolk, they could live further and further from the nutrient soup of the water that fish and amphibians require. All descendents from reptiles should then have 3 egg yolk genes or remnants thereof, and both mammals and birds do have them.
Furthermore, the most primitive mammals, mammals that don't even have teats do lay eggs and because they lactate they don't rely on their egg yolk genes as much as reptiles. Therefore, 2 of their 3 egg yolk genes are no longer functional - at all, even though they still lay eggs.
The next most primitive mammals, which only have a rudimentary placenta, but do have teats and live birth - the marsupials, do not have any functional egg yolk genes. The genes are still there, but they do not function at all.
Finally, in the most recently developed mammals, we find all the evidence of recent development. Their placenta is more advanced, they have teats, and their egg yolk genes are completely nonfunctional.
If any of these details had occurred in any other order - fish with live births or reptiles with teats, it would not have fit the predictions of Darwin long before genes were even discovered. But in essence, all genetic discoveries ever made -millions of them -have all fit a pattern similar to these few genes mentioned here. Every single one.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

irrational concepts do not exist in reality

irrational concepts do not exist in reality by definition, and god claims are predicated on irrational concepts. I reject gods that could have evolved as an equivocation on the word god.

The nature of logic

If I point to a man a say - he is short and then point to a women and say she is tall, but when you look at them you notice the man is taller than the women, you are fully justified to appeal to logic that short things cannot be taller than tall things.  Your observation renders my comment irrational (misapplication of words), unless I can add logically consist context like he is short for men, she is tall for women, and men are normally taller then women.  At that point, we have a fully logical explanation.

If however I said the man can be short and yet taller than the women at the same time because he is omnipotent, then we are back to an irrational statement and nothing more.

Logic is simply about the proper application of concepts to reality.  nothing can escape that application because it is merely a way to communicate abstract ideas and nothing more.  By definition then logic has to match reality, because that is the only thing that makes it useful - exactly like math (an even more pedantic language).

A person is irrational if they are either unable to recognize reality and thus cannot describe it properly with concepts or if they do not understand the words they are trying to use to describe reality.  Either of these two inabilities do not give rise to the possibility that reality changes magically (into gods) simply because someone cannot communicate.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Agnostic vs Atheist

Colloquial use of the word "agnostic"is predicated on the biased idea that there is only one plausible god concept. Its an equivocation on the malformed phrase "do you believe in god" as if there is only one god concept in question. If you realize that you can believe in a few gods but not others, then you will see agnosticism is a case by case bases, but theism and atheism address the universal set of gods in its entirety.

typical, Atypical; moral, Amoral; sexual, Asexual; rythmic, Arythmic; symetric, Asymetric; synchronous Asynchronous; theist, Atheist.  

Monday, June 16, 2014

Typical is anything common

it is Latin - it is very simple and not really up for debate. Typical is anything common - Atypical is everything else. Synchronous is any set that is synchronized, everything else is Asynchronous. Theists believe in a god - every one else is Atheist - that includes people who are undecided.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What happens when a banana dies?

Humans are just a collection of Eukaryote cells not much different then a banana. Asking what happens when a human dies and not asking what happens when a banana dies is profoundly myopic. The entire enterprise of science would have to be wrong for there to be a significant difference between these two deaths.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

You can't have "evidence to support gibberish"

There is and never could be a creation hypothesis because it is not falsifiable. This is largely do to the fact that it is predicated on logical fallacies which render it gibberish. You can't have "evidence to support gibberish".

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

the distribution of egg yolk genes in the animal kingdom

Can you explain the distribution of egg yolk genes in the animal kingdom? Evolution for example would say fish do not have egg yolk genes because they live in a soup of nutrients. Egg yolk was a later development that provides nourishment unnecessary to animals living in the water.
This would also explain why humans do have broken egg yolk genes that could not function. Our egg yolk genes are vestigial structures that point back to ancestors who did not yet have lactation (milk) nor live in a watery soup.
Additionally, it explains why amphibians only have 1 egg yolk gene. Though amphibians live on land they need to remain near water and thus must have a ready supply of water/ nutrient soup for many reasons and only a single egg yolk gene is sufficient. Additionally, we would expect the first animals with egg yolk genes to have fewer genes.
This would explain why reptiles have 3 egg yolk genes. Once they had a more dependable supply of egg yolk, they could live further and further from the nutrient soup of the water that fish and amphibians require. All descendents from reptiles should then have 3 egg yolk genes or remnants thereof, and both mammals and birds do have them.
Furthermore, the most primitive mammals, mammals that don't even have teats do lay eggs and because they lactate they don't rely on their egg yolk genes as much as reptiles. Therefore, 2 of their 3 egg yolk genes are no longer functional - at all, even though they still lay eggs.
The next most primitive mammals, which only have a rudimentary placenta, but do have teats and live birth - the marsupials, do not have any functional egg yolk genes. The genes are still there, but they do not function at all.
Finally, in the most recently developed mammals, we find all the evidence of recent development. Their placenta is more advanced, they have teats, and their egg yolk genes are completely nonfunctional.
If any of these details had occurred in any other order - fish with live births or reptiles with teats, it would not have fit the predictions of Darwin long before genes were even discovered. But in essence, all genetic discoveries ever made -millions of them -have all fit a pattern similar to these few genes mentioned here. Every single one.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

why would you promote such perversion?

gods are predicated on logical fallacies and so they cannot exist. Even so - Yahweh is a horrible fictional character that glorifies murdering babies - why would you promote such perversion even if it could be true?

Yahweh is not a murderer

Yahweh is not a murderer for the same reason Darth Vader is not a murder, they are both fictional characters. However, in the Bible Yahweh murders babies for fun. It is a perverse book.

a.k.a. religion

the position and ignorance you are defending and perpetuating (a.k.a.  religion) is the cause of nearly all unnecessary human suffering, pain, and death. If not to insult you and your brethren then who else could possibly deserve it?

"creationism" inculcates the logical fallacy of special pleading

"creationism" inculcates the logical fallacy of special pleading and thus could never be correct.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I would indict the bible for not mentioning germs

I would indict the bible for not mentioning germs or health care. If some knowledgeable person wrote a guide for humans and didn't mention germs and health care in about 80% of the Bible, then the Bible was written by a sadist.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

why would anyone care

 the bible says murdering babies will make you happy, so i think we can agree the bible is wrong about that. So now that we agree that the bible is wrong about murdering babies - why would anyone care about whatever is in the bible?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

faith is a bad thing

Faith is a bad thing, a terrible thing, the worst thing possible. It is never the correct thing to base any decision on ever. People use evidence to describe why you don't need evidence. They do that because they know faith is crap. The reason to use faith is as an excuse to ignore evidence you don't like. There is no other purpose for it.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Step #2

Step #1 - Propose a logically viable concept
Step #2 - Discuss evidence for or against the concept.

"gods" have never made it to step #2.

Typical, Atypical

Typical, Atypical (binary); moral, Amoral (binary); sexual, Asexual (binary); Rythmic, Arythmic (binary); photic, aphotic (binary); synchronous and asynchronous (binary); theist, Atheist (binary)

"What evidence is there of a common ancester? Tangible verifiable evidence, not just assumptions"

The velocity and form of genetic changes over generations. For example, you have egg yolk genes just like all descendants do who have ancestors that use to use egg yolk. Animals without ancestors that used egg yolk do not have these genes.

Friday, May 30, 2014

how is religion different from crack?

Other than having a better marketing campaign - please explain how religion is different from crack and churches are different from drug dealers.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

open your eyes

You should think of it like this - 2 eyes allow you to see the same thing from different angles which gives you a better understanding of it. Science allows every educated person on the planet to put their eyes on the same thing. That is really all science is - open your eyes - join us.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Earth is a globe.

Evolution has as much if not more scientific evidence for it as Global Earth theory. If you wish to say one is a fact without agreeing the other is a fact then you are not being consistent.

If Yahweh were real.

If Yahweh were real and cared in the very least about any human suffering, more 90% of the bible would have been about germs and medicine.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I am saying, if it bothers them enough to speak negative about homosexuals then they are homophobic, period. There is no other reason to speak negative about homosexuals. I don't like coffee - how crazy would it be for me to talk smack about all coffee drinkers? It would literally be a mental illness.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Vanity and ego

"Come on evolutionists go out and be fruitful and multiply and I'll pay you cash. Or are your ancestors that disgusting that the thought is revolting." Mike Karpishka your vanity does not excuse you from being human and your ego is not sufficient to allow you to declare all of science wrong simply on your own personal desire.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cast these childish things aside.

Alex Perkins you are not as demented, perverted, homicidal, or irrational as your religion or your book.  You would be a better person without them.  Grow up and cast these childish things aside.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pretending it is a rational concept is a huge mistake

The term "god" itself is an equivocation by necessity as it is an irrational concept rooted in logical fallacies.  Just pretending it is a rational concept in the first place is a huge mistake.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

genesis story is not meant to be taken literally.

"the genisis story is not meant to be taken literly. " - Mallory Jean Irene Livingston

Really?? Then why have Christians used to as an excuse to murder people for the past 2,000 years? And why would you hold a book that doesn't mean what it says with any esteem?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

you cannot be both religious and moral at the same time

Carlos Yanez you cannot be both religious and moral at the same time because religion requires you to ignore rational thought which is the only possible why you could discern moral behavior in the first place.

What is truth in your world?

What is truth in your world?" Don Harman humm interesting truth is you used a computer to ask this question which shows that logic and science are both effective, and thus gods and religion are childish and immoral notions for the feeble minded.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

the after life is absured

An "afterlife" is fundamentally egotistical, ridiculous, and quite incompatible with the current set of physics science has described today.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Following blindly

" so you follow science blindly. Thats why we have GMO 's in the food." 
-Anthony Johnson 

Please pay attention this time, I have told you 50 times already. It is the job of every scientist to suspect every other scientist is a liar. That is the opposite of following blindly.

Monday, February 17, 2014

equivocating on the word "god"

the reason you THINK you are being rational is that you are equivocating on the word "god". You are assuming a definition and because of that dogmatic assumption, you think you can proceed logically from that point.

However, if you ever try to define this dogmatically assumed god concept, you will see it is an irrational concept itself and thus not subject to logic. So basically god concepts are abusing human ability for abstract thought.

faith is bad

Rishika Kaur Patel faith is always bad - there are no redeeming qualities and if you tried to show there was a redeeming quality you would need evidence. If you ever try to claim that faith is good you are providing evidence and thus demonstrating that faith is useless.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Atheists in Foxholes

No Atheists in Foxholes?  Then it is undeniable that religions starts and perpetuates all war.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You are against learning.

"The other point why I refuse to believe man over the bible is, the bible doesn't change it's ideas when confronted with new information. " Paul Hanson this is the opposite of learning. Learning is the processes of understanding new information which changes your mind. You are against learning.

Faith is an attempt to exclude evidence.

"why does having faith equal my being an idiot, gullable and whotnot?" Kim Kimm The only path to knowledge is through evidence. Faith is an attempt to exclude evidence. Therefore faith is an attempt to exclude knowledge.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why does spell check know about Darth Vader?

Why does spell check know about Darth Vader, but not Chewbacca?  Because computers are made by atheists.

a degree of uncertainty

"Yes. There's a degree of uncertainty to it" Paul Hanson a degree of uncertainty? You have yet to be able to identify actual science apart from preachers lying to you about science.

Hitler's heart

"He did a great job in changing Hitler's heart ?"

-Lets not forget, Yahweh changed Pharaohs heart and the result was Yahweh had to slaughter innocent babies.  Given that track record, it looks like Yahweh DID change Hitler's heart.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Team Yahweh

I think it is best to always refer to the god depicted in the Bible as Yahweh.  I do this on every possible occasion because this character is such an abhorrent monster he thinks that murdering babies will make you happy (Psalms 137:9).  Christians purposefully try to ignore Yahweh and pretend he doesn't exist and there is good reason for that which I try to capitalize on.

Thus, my new label for anyone who promotes the bible in anyway is Team Yahweh.  For example people from Team Yahweh will say that Psalm 137:9 is just a song, but they forget, it is a song approved for anyone on Team Yahweh to sing.  People from Team Yahweh will say Psalm 137:9 is talking about a time of war, but even in a time of war murdering babies with your hands does not make you happy.  Psalm 137 is a song about the Jews defeating Babylon, and part of the joy in the song is killing the infants of Babylon.

In short, Team Yahweh is brainwashed to think it is fun to murder babies for Yahweh, like when Yahweh hardened Pharaoh's heart so he could murder Egyptian babies - having no other reason to harden Pharaoh's heart.  And Yahweh murders every baby on the planet in the flood, but Team Yahweh says that was glorious and they market this massacre with children's toys.

It goes on and on and on and on.

Friday, February 7, 2014

murder babies in Egypt

" There's lots of sin in the bible, it doesn't mean God condones any of it." Paul Hanson actually, Psalm 137:9 is a song about team Yahweh having fun murdering babies, but lets not forget Yahweh hardening Pharaoh's heart so Yahweh could murder babies in Egypt. Does Pluto orbit the Sun?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

a creation story is an illogical paradox

" If there is just one true creation story" Kelly Piersall in the context that you mean, a creation story is an illogical paradox and so it cannot exist in reality.

What is proof?

"Do you even understand what Proof is?" Brian Davis "proof" is a stupid word, $1 under a pillow is "proof" of the tooth fairy for children and idiots. Science goes by evidence. There is no evidence for gods because something has to be logically coherent before it can have evidence and gods are not logically coherent.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All scientific evidence

All scientific evidence shows that evolution is a fact as signed by all the worlds top scientists. Either all of science is wrong or creationists do not have a high school education.

cure the disease

"Besides, I am one of the Christians that is changing the ways of Christianity" Nell Lewis no matter what you try to do to change Christians, the Bible is still going to say that homosexuals must die. The only thing you can hope to do is cure the disease of irrational thinking in the first place, then no one will be religious at all and at least if we kill each other it will be for rational reasons like to stop people from  murdering.

prayer is not more effective then carrying a security blanket.

"There IS power in prayer, and the Almighty is WORKINGGG!!" Pantz-Aka Da-Beautiful Thinker for those people too lazy to get a high school education - this is a lie.  It is a scientific fact prayer is not more effective than carrying a security blanket.  People who pray are children who are too embarrassed to carry a security blanket.

never a context

The bible says murdering babies is glorious Psalms 137:9 - the bible is lying. Murdering babies is not glorious and there is never a context where it is glorious.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

You are trying to show that learning is bad.

Michal Haris you are very confused about the implications of anything you happen to get right in this list. What you are showing is that science continually attacks and refines its own theories until they either collapse or get better. It is the very definition of learning. You are trying to show that learning is bad. That is a stupid position.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Religious people are so fucking dumb its immoral

Religious people are so fucking dumb its immoral

homosexuality provides a useful purpose

homosexuality actually provides a useful purpose - e.g. it is beneficial in primitive conditions to have extra males and not have them fighting over the lack of females.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Prove it

"Prove it" Derek Hamelin "prove" is such a stupid word. It is subjective. $1 under the pillow of a child is "proof" of the tooth fairy.

Magical spells are fake

Leah WasHere, Charles R. Merchant maybe Katy Perry is a Wiccan "witch". Who cares? That's her business. Magical spells are fake just like prays


Damon Omelchuk for some reason the illuminati created evolution, and still yet discard it and believe in god, and worship satan

Saturday, January 25, 2014

cause this isn't an interpretation its a revelation

"cause this isn't an interpretation its a revelation." Arkeather Spratt wow - how egotistical - without any education at all and you are able to tune into the "creator of the universe" and speak wisdom that educated people don't understand. OR you're an idiot.

you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed

"if I already know the truth then why would I continue to search for a lie?" Mark Hopkins my neighbor already knows he is Napoleon Bonaparte - why would he search for a lie?  The problem is you have no education and no capacity for taking responsibility or being honest with yourself, so you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed into an immoral and ignorant cult that for some demented reason feeds your ego and makes you feel important.