Saturday, August 30, 2014

account for all murders and wars.

"Yes. I'm sure that secular ideologies have killed more people in the 20th century than religious ideologies have. It's not even close." Daniel Halverson 

I think you have to gerrymander the idea of secularism to say that. For example the secular ideology of medicine has saved more lies in the past two centuries to more than account for all murders and wars.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Math, logic, and god concepts.

If someone writes 2+2=5 they have simply failed to understand the rules and language of math - they haven't found an "infinitely complex" math problem.

All logic works the same way - it is just a language used to describe reality. And so when YOU make an illogical claim or hold an irrational position - YOU haven't found an "infinitely complex" logic problem, you have simply failed to be logical or reasonable.

Everything that exists outside of your imagination must submit to logic. Your god concept does not, rendering it an imaginary thing without possibility for any other resolution. Unless you are also willing to just throw away math - your position is untenable.

Sins of the feeble mind

Largely religious people simply don't understand math, science, logic, or even abstract thought. They certainly do not think critically by definition.

And so religious people generally have no appreciable concept of useful information and how to evaluate evidence, which is why engineers are much less religious than average. That is to say anything deemed religious is based on pure hearsay which is completely crap evidence without useful purpose and not suitable for any responsible or educated adult.

In short - all hearsay evidence (religion) is only evidence to a profoundly feeble mind.

Math and Science

If you have an empty bag, you put two apples in the bag, and then you put two pears in the bag - do you have to look in the bag to verify there are 4 pieces of fruit? In science, 2+2=4 is sufficient evidence to establish that there are 4 pieces of fruit in the bag - without even looking. Science uses math to establish the orbits of the planets and evolution of humans in the exact same way.

is abiogenesis falsifiable?

Life exist, whatever the natural process is that caused life to arise, that process is abiogenesis. The proposed processes are falsifiable not life itself. Its much like gravity - gravity exists so it can't be falsified. The mechanisms that cause gravity are the issues up for dispute and falsifiable, just like the mechanisms for abiogenesis.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Emission Theory

Emission Theory gives insight into the world of a creationist`- the universe revolves around them. Souls, gods, eternal life, geocentrism all expose a deep seated narcissism in which the ego simply cannot face the reality of its own insignificance. They are primed to receive the brainwashing of their respective religions and as a result resent knowledge, education and especially science - generally speaking.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Explain this please:

Maybe you can explain why Palestine and Israel are happy to murder each others children, but they agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why China tries to repress Taiwan, doesn't even recognize Taiwan as a country and threatens war with anyone for even suggesting that Taiwan is independent yet, both China and Taiwan agree evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia all fought a bitter genocidal war against each other so recently ago, but agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why South Korea and the Philippines harbor loud and bitter resentment against the Japanese genocides in their countries during WWII, yet they all agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Pakistan and India threaten each other with Nuclear weapons and regularly war with each other along their borders, but they both agree evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Poland harbors a deep resentment for Russia's 40 year occupation, but they both agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Turkey and Greece are in a state of war over Cyprus, but they both agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why the UK and Ireland argue if not bomb each other about oppression and occupation yet are happy to  agree that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia,  are so hostile towards one another, but they agree - evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria compete aggressively in every field of endeavor, yet collude on this one issue, that evolution is a fact?

Maybe you can explain why the USA has a 40 year embargo against Cuba and they both maintain a hostile stance towards one another, but they both agree - evolution is a fact?

 Maybe you can explain why Iran is an isolated international pariah, but it agrees that evolution is a fact?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

This thing

If some "thing" can interact with the universe in any way, then the concept of a universe is flawed because it does not include this "thing". Such a universe is not universal which is contradictory. Thus anything outside a universe cannot also interact with a universe by definition.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

its a figment of your imagination.

"god" is a nonsense word predicated on logical fallacies so whatever you think this god is, its a figment of your imagination.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Heaven is completely unsuitable for loving humans.

To get into heaven you have to agree to only love other people in heaven and you are required to no longer care about the people in hell. Heaven is completely unsuitable for loving humans.

Deep meaning

You will not have any deep meaning in your life until you allow yourself to love the people in your life despite who and what they are and despite the fact that they don't live up to your egotistical and self centered desires.

Peter Porco

see if you can find anything about Peter Porco. His son murder him with an axe in bed. His frontal lobe was smashed and defunct, hanging out of his head. This is responsible for all higher thoughts like , language and awareness or anything we would think of as human in a very real way.

But there are no major blood vessels in the brain so it took him hours to die from bleeding to death. In the meantime his body got out of bed, went downstairs, made coffee, then went and got the news paper.

When the police arrive there is a trail of blood outside and all around the house and they find Peter sitting on the couch with his brains hanging out even though he had been murdered in his bedroom.

oh sorry, he wasn't sitting on the couch.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

natural explanation for everything

The basic assumption of science is there is a natural explanation for everything. If you don't like that idea - then you don't like science.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

without specific insight

The bible as proposed, from some source of knowledge beyond man - without specific insight into germ theory is sadistic by necessity.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Don't say "God"

When you guys say "god" it is necessarily the product of someone's imagination the details of which rarely comport with the similar products of other imaginations. If you would instead say Yahweh - then we could more easily recognize that we are talking about the fictional character in the Bible

love your neighbor

Its "love your neighbor" until they go to hell, then don't worry about them any more, just have fun at the party in heaven!

dem genes

MYH16, PAX9, CCR5, VIT1, VIT2, and VIT3