Thursday, September 25, 2014

its like an M Night Shyamalan movie

Q: When Christians speculate about traveling in time they will often consider to going back to murder Hitler, but they never once consider going back to save Jesus. Why is that?
A: Because the murder if Jesus is "Good News" for Christians in fact Gospel is a term that means it is good new that Jesus is dead. Without a person pushing Jesus into a volcano, Christians cannot get their prize - tickets to heaven. While in heaven though it will be illegal for them to love anyone in hell, so no decent people are allowed in heaven - its like an M Night Shyamalan movie and that's the twist.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Objective Morality

Morality is objectively based on the care required from its parents for complex animals to thrive even though they are born helpless and remain exceptionally vulnerable for an extended period of time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

human sacrifice

Human sacrifice - you know, like in Christianity. Someone pushed Jesus into a volcano so Christians can get a prize. In the Christian vernacular, pushing Jesus into the Volcano is called "good news" or "gospel".

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Yahweh gets to decide who you are allowed to love!

in Christian theology Yahweh gets to decide who you are allowed to love! You are not even allowed to cry for the people in hell- you are required by law to be happy in heaven!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Evil in the world

There is good and there is bad. If you say something is bad, someone can challenge you on it - why do you think it is bad? how can you fix it? how might it be leveraged for good? These things require a lot of thinking. Instead of trying to understand you can just say "evil" and you are done - no thinking required.

Friday, September 5, 2014

how is "common ancestry" is falsifiable?

Please explain how "common ancestry" is falsifiable. 

If it could be shown that some progeny could not be related to its parents through set theory, then common ancestry would be wrong. In the "common designer" argument, for example the arrangement and changes in DNA could be (are allowed to be) mixed up by either random patterns or patterns that violate set theory. This case has never been observed in nature.

However, the "common designer" idea itself could never be falsified because the first step in falsifying any designer is to specify the abilities and limits of the designer which is the exact opposite thing "common designer" proponents are trying to do.