Monday, February 23, 2015

indistinguishable from gibberish

god ideas are predicated on logical fallacies. Until you can describe your god idea without using logical fallacies it is indistinguishable from gibberish.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

deflate gate

The controversy over deflate gate shows that religious people are aware that prayer doesn't work. If prayer did "work" it would be labeled as cheating with regard to sports games. Furthermore, the fact that religious people know "deep down" that prayer doesn't work except to help them cope with reality, shows that they are profoundly susceptible to irrational thought or simply embracing confirmation bias without any critical thought.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Religious people seem to be devoid of love.

Religious people who wonder what the meaning of life would be without their god - know nothing of love. If your love for another human is not sufficient reason to give your life meaning, then you have never known love in your life.